Thursday, April 13, 2006

Prayer for the Church Planter

Easter is a phenomenally busy time for us, as pastors and planters scurry to ready their churches for the teaching of our Savior’s Resurrection. As I listened to one pastor cast his vision for a church in the North Dallas area, I found myself encouraged and enthused by what God is doing all across this Great Nation, beyond our borders into Canada and over the oceans into Asia and countries with people dying to hear the truth.

He stopped in the middle of his dream-speak and asked me “Is this unusual? Am I crazy for trying to do this.?” In this line of work, with visionaries dictating most of my day’s activities, I get that question a lot.

“Absolutely not.” I replied. “You are a revolutionary.”

And that is the truth for church planters. You are not “crazy” for trying to create church in a building where basketballs games, movies and pizza parties are played out. You are not “foolish” for meeting people, the very people you are trying to minister to, where they eat or work out or receive entertainment. It is not a “mad” idea. You are change. You are part of a movement that is changing the face of church.

Accepting your role as a revolutionary can come with some baggage, can come with some seeming disadvantages as you learn how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. You may find yourself at a loss for words as you are challenged in the press as a “movie theatre church” or (gasp!) a “bar church”. You may find yourself fielding somewhat irate phone calls from the community for your ad campaign or for your choice of drama last Sunday night.

As you take the risk of being different, and as you challenge people to accept Jesus as the way, the truth and the life, you are changing the face of worship. Every wall you break down in your journey is another act of worship.

With the vision to change the definition of “church” and with the vision to change lives, comes an incredible responsibility to protect the Truth, to not compromise, to rise above the fray. Along with that comes a deep burden to submit, to constantly sacrifice the flesh.

And it is for these reasons that we have been praying for you today, have been praying for you this week. The story of David commissioning Solomon to the throne is a powerful one, and the prayer he prays for his son is one that bears repeating over this generation of pastors. So, as you continue your Good Friday and Easter service preparations, you will be in our prayers.

Our Prayer for the Planter
“Praise to you, O Lord, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.

“Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name. I Chronicles 29: 10 - 13

(Adapted) O Lord our God, we come to you on behalf of those we have worked with and are in relationship with, and on behalf of those we don’t yet know.

We know that everything comes from you, we thank you for the abundance that you have provided for building a temple for your Holy Name. May we, and those with whom we labor, always remember that that which you have provided belongs to You.

We know, Lord, that the hearts of those that dare to follow You, that dare to move others to follow You, shall be tested. Lord, may you be pleased with their integrity. May they have relationships and community in their lives that spurs them towards honor, that challenges them to sacrifice.

We have seen, with great joy, how willingly these pastors have given to you. We beseech you, Lord, to keep this desire of sacrifice, of integrity and of willingness in the hearts of your people forever. May you keep their hearts loyal to you. May you give them the wholehearted devotion to keep your commands, requirements and decrees.
(Adapted from I Chronicles 16-19)

In JESUS name, we pray these things, Amen.

May your weekend be filled with laughter and joy as you prepare (Psalm 126). May you and your staff of volunteers be of humble heart (Phillipians 2) and devoted to one another in love (Romans 12). Finally, may your Easter services and weekends be revolutionary.

Arise, for He is Risen!

© Kendra Malloy, Portable Church Industries

1 comment:

Chris Goeppner said...

enjoy this blog. im an associate pastor at a portable church in florida. be doing it for 8 years. lots of blood sweat & tears, but worth it.